2600% ROAS

10XL drives ticket sales for New Zealand’s Biggest NY Festival

The Solution

Rhythm and Vines isn’t just another music festival. Its unique advantage lies in its two decade-long legacy of epic good times, fearless attitude, and a beautiful backdrop – set among the scenic vineyards of Gisborne. It promises not just music and sound, but an unforgettable experience.

While we knew it was a crowd-favourite NY affair, we didn’t know which creative formats, assets and messaging would go the furthest with various audience segments. Digital measurability would be key to unlocking and optimising profitability — a fresh approach for the Rhythm and Vines team

The Challenge

In a world drowning in digital noise and endless options, Rhythm and Vines, a global New Year's festival favourite, found itself faced with the challenge of cutting through during competitive sales seasons

How we raked it in

  • Digital UX advisory and refinement

  • Multi-platform third-party conversion tracking

  • Interest and persona audience targeting on Meta and TikTok

  • Custom audience targeting and remarketing on Facebook and Instagram

  • Multi-format ad creative production

  • AI-driven optimisation

Sell out performance

+2600% ROAS on Digital Advertising Spend.

For the first time in a two-decade history, scalable digital campaigns were unlocked with a clear measure on not just ROAS but the creative and messaging responsible for key outcomes throughout the customer path-to-purchase.

Join the festivities and keep a lookout for the next Rhythm and Vines event online. To unlock scalable digital growth, get in touch with the 10XL team.

For more digital marketing magic, get in touch with the 10XL team.

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